Black Friday Email Campaigns, Subject Lines, Examples for 2024

Black friday email campaigns

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Black Friday is just around the corner! It’s that time when people are all gearing up shopping for the big holidays like Christmas and New Year. If you’re a business looking for the opportunity to boost your sales and clear your stock during the festivities, it’s high time to connect with as many potential customers as possible. And what else can do the job better than a fantastic Black Friday email campaign? 

In this blog, we’ll show you just everything you need to craft killer Black Friday email campaigns that’ll attract customers to you. From nailing a Black Friday email strategy, and making a captivating subject line to creating designs that pop off the screen – we’ve got you covered. So, get ready to unravel the secrets behind an email promo that customers can’t resist clicking on! 

Black Friday email campaigns: 4 successful tips

To kickstart your Black Friday email campaign, start with a clear strategy. This includes setting goals, identifying your target customers, and deciding when to send the emails. Still haven’t got any idea for your plan yet? We’re here to support you, though!! Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to help you plan your successful Black Friday email campaign:

4 strategies to build Black Friday email campaigns

Set clear objectives for your Black Friday email campaigns

First things first, lay out your key objectives and goals for your Black Friday email campaigns. Think of them as the North Star guiding your efforts. So, why does it matter? Well, they give you a sense of direction, keep you on track, and let you measure how well your campaign is doing. 

  • Introduce new products and services: In addition to ramping up sales, lots of businesses use this opportunity to showcase their fresh products and services. It’s a smart move since people are in the mood to splash out a bit more during this time of year.
  • Boost revenue: Black Friday is like a big shot for businesses to score more sales than usual. That’s why many companies jump on this chance to amp up their profits.
  • Engage existing customers: Black Friday is a fantastic occasion for brands to encourage existing customers to spend more. Therefore, it’s essential not to overlook this business goal. 
  • Drive website traffic: Through email campaigns, you can also attract more visitors to your online store. This increases the chances of potential customers discovering your deals and products, ultimately boosting your sales during this busy shopping period.

Boost your email list

Also, don’t forget to focus on growing your email list if you really want to make your email campaign a hit. This involves actively encouraging people to subscribe to your newsletter or updates. You can offer incentives like exclusive deals, early access to sales, or free resources in exchange for their email addresses. By expanding your email list, you’ll have a larger audience to reach with your Black Friday promotions, increasing your chances of driving more sales and engagement.

Do segmentation first and foremost

Segmentation is a key starting point for a successful Black Friday email campaign. By understanding your target audience’s demographics and interests, you can tailor your emails to resonate with them. You can divide your audience based on factors like age, gender, and past purchases. Additionally, consider segmenting based on recent engagement levels to re-engage customers and offer exclusive deals to loyal ones, enhancing the effectiveness of your Black Friday strategy.

Plan your email campaign based on the buying journey

In order for your email to really work, you need to make an impression on your customers in all of their buying phases. We recommend you to use at least 4 emails during your email campaign, and cover all of this content as below: 

  • Initial announcement: Get them excited by dropping a little hint about your upcoming Black Friday sales. Leave an impression so they’re all set when you officially spill the beans
  • Sales email: Right before Black Friday kicks off, it’s time to show off all your amazing deals and tempting products. You can jazz it up by throwing in a secret code, and if they use it, they get even more discounts!
  • Gentle reminder: Once your discounts have been out there for a while, it’s a good idea to nudge your recipients with a quick reminder through email. You know how people forget stuff, and you want to keep them engaged, too. 
  • Final opportunity: Lastly, when there are only about 24 hours left, shoot them a countdown email. This is the final shot for those who haven’t snagged anything from your brand. By sending this, you’ll create that “Fear Of Missing Out” vibe, making it hard for them to resist grabbing your deal.

Black Friday email subject lines to boost engagement

The email subject is the first thing in your email that recipients see. According to research from CMB, 47% of people decide to open an email based on the subject line. Therefore, you must take this as an opportunity to attract them right away when they see it. Make your subject lines fun to read, but still remain trustworthy. Explore a few of the following references: 

  • Ready, Set, Shop: Dive into Our Enchanted Black Friday!  
  • 30% OFF! It’s Black Friday spirit!
  • Enchanted Black Friday Awaits: Brace for Unforgettable Deals!
  • Unwrap Joy: Black Friday Surprises Are Here!
  • Unlock 30% Savings: Black Friday Offers You Can’t Miss
  • Your Black Friday Destination for Exclusive Offers and Deals
  • Black Friday Frenzy: Get Your Wishlist Ready!
  • Black Friday Spectacular: Premium Savings Delivered to You!
  • Your Black Friday Shopping Guide: Premium Discounts Await
  • It’s Go Time. Black Friday Starts Now!
Catchy Black Friday email subject lines

Brooklinen nailed the art of announcing their sales season through email. They truly understand how to ignite excitement among their subscribers, highlighting that it’s their inaugural sale on products. The visuals seamlessly blend with the compelling text: “Go! Go! Go!” – it’s as if they’re urging their customers to gear up and get ready. 

8 best Black Friday email campaign examples to get inspired

Now, it’s time to bring your Black Friday email campaign to life. You’ll need a captivating email that catches everyone’s eye from the get-go. So, let’s dive into everything you need to create a unique email for your brand:

Baublebar: Choose highly qualified design elements 

Whether it’s product pictures, design elements, or anything else, arrange them in a way that they blend well together visually. Traditionally, brands often go with a black theme to match Black Friday, but that thing is a bit outdated now. Feel free to be creative and use any color you like, as long as it presents all the information.

Successful example: Baublebar

High quality Black Friday design elements

For example, Baublebar’s email design is both simple and effective for successful email marketing. The brand uses a playful background and fonts that complement each other well.  Hence, this combination results in a cheerful and appealing look that can attract anyone.

Miracle Brand: Make sure it’s suitable to your brand image 

No matter what you do, just ensure that the design of your Black Friday email aligns with your brand’s identity. To strengthen brand awareness, keep your color palette, fonts, and general design consistent. When subscribers see your email, they should instantly associate it with your brand, creating a sense of familiarity.

Successful example: Miracle Brand 

Black Friday email campaigns Miracle

Miracle Brand keeps its Black Friday email unique by not using a black design. Instead, they maintain a design style that mirrors their website. This consistency adds a special touch to their Black Friday email and enhances brand awareness.

Happy Socks: Having GIFs to leverage your email visual 

Using GIFs within the email has been kind of a trend this year, So, why don’t you experiment with adding GIFs to your Black Friday email? GIFs can add an interactive and dynamic element that captures your audience’s interest. Whether it’s showcasing products in motion, creating a playful animation, or highlighting the countdown to the sale, GIFs can make your email more engaging and memorable.

Successful example: Happy Socks

Using GIFs in email design

Take a look at Happy Socks’ Black Friday email designs. Their GIFs don’t need to be too complicated, yet they’re still fun and interactive. Hence, it makes the email stand out from many other similar black-and-white designs.

Disney: Emphasize the urgency of your deals

When you’re sending your email, your aim is to persuade recipients to shop this Black Friday. And the best way? Create limited availability to trigger their fear of missing out. No one wants to miss a good deal. Therefore, here’s how to motivate your subscribers to buy:

  • Use a short time limit in your content. 
  • If your Black Friday products are special and limited, tell your customers. 
  • Show a countdown of what’s left in stock! 
  • Say proudly that this is your best deal this year.

Successful example: Disney

Urgency in Black Friday email campaigns

To encourage people to buy their products, Disney goes the extra mile by including a countdown clock in their emails, emphasizing the limited-time opportunity. Additionally, they prominently display the value of the deals, allowing customers to grasp the worthiness of the offers.

Casper: Make your Black Friday deals visible

Next, ensure that your email content prominently displays the Black Friday deals you’re providing. While the discount percentage matters, it’s equally vital to list the products or services on sale in a clear manner. You should also think about organizing your deals into sections, allowing customers to click and navigate with ease. By doing this, you are significantly improving your customers’ experience. 

Successful example: Casper 

Make your deals visible

Casper clearly announced a “15% off” discount in their marketing email. This ensures that customers won’t overlook the offer, which in turn boosts the likelihood of gaining new customers.

Baggu: Be straightforward with what you need to convey

When we say content that covers it all, we mean an email that tells subscribers exactly what they want. To make this happen, just get to know them a bit better. Stick to what potential customers actually care about, and highlight that stuff. Boom, you’ve got an email that can seriously up your conversion game. Keep these things in mind:

  • Do they care about prices?
  • What stuff from your store really catches their eye?
  • Any online shopping issues they face?

Successful example: Baggu

Straightforward content in your email

Baggu totally nailed it by keeping things straightforward yet super engaging. The email is packed with all the details you need about their awesome Black Friday sale – how much are the discounts when free shipping kicks in, and more. Simple is the name of the game, and Baggu aces it!

Withings: Remember to add Call-to-actions to your email

Finally, don’t forget to add a clear Call-to-action This will serve as a precise instruction guiding customers to your online store where they can make purchases of your products. Just use short, simple, and straightforward phrases, such as “Explore Offers”, “Save Now”, “Get Deals”, or “Shop Now”, and you’re good to go!

Successful example: Withings

CTA in Black Friday email campaigns

As you read the Withings Black Friday email, you cannot resist hitting the ‘Buy Now’ button ASAP. They sprinkle phrases like ‘Tomorrow is too late,’ ‘Last chance,’ and ‘Ends in a few hours’ throughout the email, creating a real sense of urgency. All of those phrases, accompanied by the CTA buttons, make customers unable to resist clicking on them.

Start setting up your Black Friday email campaign now! 

So there you have it! Your path to Black Friday successful email campaigns is all laid out. Now it’s time to roll up those sleeves and put these tips to good use. And guess what? With each step, you’re guaranteed our full backing. Ready to turn those emails into sales? NestSend’s got the magic touch to help you create stunning Black Friday email campaigns. 

With over 50 free templates, options for customer segmentation, and integration of customer data right from your website, NestSend is everything you need for an online E-commerce business to conduct its email campaign. So, what are you waiting for? Get your discounts, your design template, your email content, and let’s rock your sales this Black Friday. Happy emailing and even happier selling!

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