NS Product Variants 1.3: Transform Store with 1-1 Theme Support

NS Product Variants 1.3

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In today’s competitive e-commerce landscape, offering a personalized and seamless shopping experience is key to standing out. However, Shopify store owners often face a significant challenge: the platform’s default settings don’t always capture the full scope of products or allow for the level of customization that today’s consumers expect. 

Recognizing both Shopify’s limitations and the growing consumer demand for personalized shopping experiences, we’ve crafted NS Product Variants & Options as the ultimate tool for Shopify merchants. This powerful solution not only enables you to upload countless variants to your products but also automatically assigns images for each variant, streamlining the process of managing and displaying your offerings.

Now, with the release of NS Product Variants 1.3, we’re excited to introduce new features that take customization to the next level. Whether it’s perfecting your store’s appearance with 1-1 custom theme assistance, expanding your product options with text swatches, or reaching a global audience with translation support, this latest version is designed to help you meet the growing expectations of today’s shoppers.

What’s new in NS Product Variants 1.3?

With version 1.3, NS Product Variants takes your store’s customization capabilities to the next level. Whether you’re looking to refine your store’s appearance, offer more diverse product options, or cater to an international audience, this update has you covered. Let’s dive into the key features that make this version a game-changer.

Offer 1-1 custom theme assistance

Personalizing your Shopify store’s appearance can be challenging, especially when it comes to configuring swatches to align perfectly with your brand. With NS Product Variants 1.3, merchants on a paid plan can now access 1-1 support for custom themes, ensuring that your store’s look and feel are exactly as you envision.

Offer 1-1 custom theme assistance

Whether you’re struggling with the intricacies of swatch presentation or need help crafting a visually appealing and intuitive browsing experience, our dedicated support team is here to assist you every step of the way. This personalized support guarantees that your store not only stands out with a unique and polished appearance but also provides an engaging and seamless experience for your customers.

Display text swatch on collection and product pages

In the previous versions of NS Product Variants, merchants enjoyed a wide range of swatch options, including color swatches, shape swatches, image swatches, and dropdown menus. Now, with the release of version 1.3, we’re excited to introduce text swatches that can be displayed on both the product and collection pages.

This new feature ensures a seamless and visually engaging experience for your customers. The text swatches allow for easy identification and selection of product variations, adding a layer of clarity that enhances the shopping journey.

Display text swatch on collection and product pages

With the introduction of text swatches, customization has never been more flexible. You can personalize every aspect, from text and button labels to selected and unselected swatches, ensuring that your store aligns perfectly with the brand’s aesthetic and provides a unique and user-friendly shopping experience.

The style currently in use is clearly labeled ‘in use’ in the header, making it easy to manage and adjust settings. This added flexibility in design settings not only improves the visual appeal of your store but also sets it apart by offering a diverse range of options that cater to every customer’s preferences.

Support for translation apps in the growth plan

Shopify store owners often face the challenge of limited product scope due to default settings, especially when reaching out to international audiences. To overcome this, NS Product Variants 1.3 introduces support for translation apps specifically designed to enhance the shopping experience for global customers.

Now, merchants using the Growth Plan can easily integrate with translation apps and translate their product options into multiple languages. This feature allows your store to display translated text on the front end, ensuring that your product options resonate with customers across different languages and regions.

Support for translation apps in the growth plan

By offering this translation support, NS Product Variants 1.3 makes it easier than ever for Shopify merchants to cater to a diverse customer base, further elevating the shopping experience and expanding your store’s reach.

Why upgrade to NS Product Variants 1.3?

NS Product Variants 1.3 isn’t just an update; it’s an opportunity to take your store to new heights. With endless product variation options, enhanced global reach, and personalized support for creating the perfect store appearance, this version is your key to providing customers with an exceptional shopping experience.

Whether you’re a seasoned Shopify merchant or just starting, NS Product Variants 1.3 equips you with the tools to create a store that’s not only functional but also captivating and user-friendly. Don’t miss out on the chance to elevate your business – upgrade to NS Product Variants 1.3 today and unlock a world of possibilities.

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