NestDesk 1.2: Transformation in UI Design For #1 Customer Experience

Introducing NestDesk 1.2

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As we are committed to providing our users with the best possible experience and continuous improvement, we are thrilled to announce some exciting updates for NestDesk that will take your experience to a whole new level. 

With NestDesk 1.2, let us take you to the latest enhancements including a fresh UI/UX design, a brand-new mobile app, optimized Facebook Messenger integration, and a revamped notification system. Get ready to unlock sales from conversations now!

Sleek and modern interface

The most significant adjustment in this updated version is the app interface. Our app’s new UI/UX design has been carefully crafted to make your journey through the app more visually appealing and convenient at the same time. 

nestdesk dashboard

While making changes to the design, we keep the basic functions for you. So no fear of unfamiliarity and maintain your usual operation. With a modern and streamlined interface, you’ll enjoy an intuitive experience, explore and interact with all the app’s features effortlessly. 

We have worked to ensure that every interaction feels natural and purposeful. The new dashboard provides you summary analysis of conversations and orders, making it easier to manage your customer chat and track your sales. Thanks to clear and straightforward UI/UX design, you got all messages under control and please your customers better.

User-friendly mobile app

We’re so excited to introduce our new mobile app, designed specifically to enhance your on-the-go experience. Seamlessly synchronized with the web version, the mobile app is now accessible from your Android smartphone. It will ensure that you stay connected and productive, wherever you are.

nestdesk mobile app

With a minimal interface, NestDesk mobile app brings the power of productivity to the palm of your hand. Not only can you respond to customer inquiries and requests promptly but also receive notifications and alerts instantly, regardless of your location.

The mobile app keeps you connected in real time, which means you can quickly address customer needs, provide timely updates, and offer assistance on the spot. By reducing response time, you can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and build stronger relationships with your clients.

Facebook Messenger chat optimization

We understand the importance of seamless communication, and that’s why we’ve optimized our integration with Facebook Messenger. Being a unified live chat platform, NestDesk enables you to centralize your conversations in one place. 

messenger integration

Instead of toggling between different applications and platforms, you can manage your messages within the NestDesk app, eliminate the need for multiple logins, and streamlines your communication workflow.

Instant notifications keep you informed of any new chats from Messenger, allowing you to respond and address urgent matters promptly. This feature is especially valuable for time-sensitive conversations and critical client interactions.

Real-time notification to all agents

With the updated notification system in NestDesk 1.2, all agents are informed of customer queries, ensuring quick responses to important conversations.

Rather than sending in-app notifications to online agents only, now the app automatically notifies all agents even when they’re away from their desks. Notification about new chats will also be sent via email for the agent to take necessary actions faster.

By delivering timely alerts, the notification system ensures that agents can stay organized, respond promptly, and deliver exceptional customer service. 

agents notification

Elevate the best customer experience with NestDesk 1.2

With these exciting updates, we are taking NestDesk to new heights. And as we promise to deliver a top-notch experience, these updates are just the beginning of our ongoing commitment to excellence.

Don’t wait any longer – experience the transformation in UI design, mobile accessibility, and optimized communication for your business. Try NestDesk 1.2 now and immerse yourself in a world of enhanced functionality, convenience, and satisfaction. Happy exploring!

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