5 Best GA4 Alternatives to Unleash E-Commerce Analytics

GA4 alternative for ecommerce

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In today’s digital world, businesses rely on web analytics to succeed. These tools provide valuable insights, helping organizations make smart decisions and improve user experiences. Picking the right analytics platform for your E-Commerce brand is crucial—it’s the key to unlocking the full potential of your data.

However, a significant shift has occurred in the industry: Google has chosen to retire the longstanding industry standard, Google Analytics, in favor of the controversial GA4. This has led us to explore the most popular GA4 alternatives for E-Commerce, each with its strengths and features. Let’s find out what options are available and what might work best for you!  

Understanding about Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

As you might know, Google Analytics 4, or GA4 is the most popular Google advanced analytics tool, providing valuable insights for businesses. However, it does have some limitations so exploring GA4 alternatives becomes essential, especially with those businesses aiming to truly refine their strategies. Let’s dive into some reasons why we need GA4 alternatives for E-Commerce. But first, you need to understand what GA4 is and how it works.

GA4 offers a comprehensive view of user behavior across various devices and platforms. It goes beyond tracking actions, and employing machine learning and AI for predictive insights. By understanding not just what users do but why, GA4 enables businesses to make smarter decisions. GA4’s power lies in its ability to anticipate user actions, providing invaluable insights for businesses aiming to understand and engage their audience better.

Why should we find GA4 Alternatives for E-Commerce?

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) offers enhanced cross-platform tracking, advanced audience analysis, and AI-driven metrics, making it attractive for businesses. However, some limitations hinder businesses from effectively tracking E-Commerce data, affecting their overall experience. To be more specific, feel free to check out the Pros and Cons users may encounter when using GA4 in the comparison table below: 

pros and cons of ga4

Additionally, transitioning to GA4 can be challenging due to user interface issues, data lag, and discrepancies, leading some businesses to seek alternative analytics platforms for better user experience and accurate insights. While Google Analytics integrated seamlessly with Shopify, the newest version called GA4 did not. Also, its dependency on third-party tools for improved insights remains a drawback. E-commerce businesses need to weigh these pros and cons carefully to make informed decisions about their analytics platforms. 

5 powerful GA4 alternatives for eCommerce

Now let’s dive into the captivating world of Google Analytics alternatives. We will show you the top 5 best GA4 Alternatives for E-Commerce businesses and compare their strengths or advantages to GA4 ones.

Matomo: Privacy-Focused Analytics Platform

matomo ga4 alternatives for ecommerce

Matomo stands out as a robust self-hosted analytics tool, offering businesses unparalleled control over their historical data. Its user-friendly interface, customizable dashboards, and comprehensive reporting features make it an excellent alternative, especially for content, marketing, and e-commerce websites. Matomo’s session-based tracking method ensures GDPR compliance and allows users to import data seamlessly from existing Google Analytics accounts, simplifying the transition process.

Top Features

  • Data Privacy
  • Self Hosted
  • Open Source
  • Web Analytics
  • Conversion Optimization

If you’re mainly worried about data privacy, Matomo is a good choice. But if that’s not your main concern, there are alternatives with more features to consider.

ga4 vs. matomo

Kissmetrics: Advanced Analytics Tool

kissmetrics ga4 alternatives for ecommerce

Trusted by major companies, Kissmetrics delivers actionable insights into customer behavior for marketing and e-commerce websites. Its event-based tracking method focuses on essential metrics, emphasizing marketing ROI rather than vanity statistics like bounce rates. Key features, including the “Populations” report for detailed user grouping and custom funnel tracking, empower businesses to refine their strategies. 

Top Features

  • Marketing Analytics
  • Customer Cohorts
  • Checkout Funnel Analysis
  • Provide Advanced BI Reporting

If you are looking for a sophisticated marketing campaign, Kissmetrics would be your best choice. It offers nuanced customer journey insights and is totally not for basic analytics.

ga4 vs. kissmetrics

Attribuly: Real-Time Analytics Tool

attribuly ga4 alternatives for ecommerce

Attribuly, a robust Shopify attribution app, offers real-time reporting, enabling businesses to spot marketing trends and optimize investments effectively. As a 1st party data hub, it facilitates in-depth customer behavior analysis, illuminating intricate customer journeys for enhanced conversions. Attribuly tracks ads precisely and links with Google and Facebook seamlessly. It even helps manage collaborations with influencers, increasing conversions by 4 times—no complex setups—just clear insights.

Top Features

  • Marketing Analytics
  • Ads automation
  • Manage multi-Facebook pixel
  • Monitor live interactions

If you need real-time solutions tracking, then this is the answer. With its automatic event tracking, retroactive analytics, and user-friendly interface, Attribuly empowers businesses to discover valuable insights and make real-time optimizations.

ga4 vs attribuly

Piwik PRO: User-Friendly Analytics Platform

piwik pro ga4 alternatives for ecommerce

Piwik PRO’s session-based tracking and strict GDPR compliance ensure precise data without sampling, even under high traffic. What distinguishes it is its enterprise support and integration of a Customer Data Platform (CDP). Beyond basic analytics, Piwik PRO offers modules like Tag Manager and Consent Manager, enabling seamless integration with other tools.

Top features:

  • Clean and easy-to-use UI
  • Track Ad Campaign Performance
  • Understand Customer Journey
  • Web Analytics
  • Intuitive Event Tracking

If you need a user-friendly platform that offers robust support and scalability, then Piwik PRO is the solution for you. While it might lack certain features found in Matomo, Piwik PRO stands out as an ideal choice for larger organizations with intricate requirements.

ga4 vs piwik pro

Triple Whale: Enterprise-Grade Analytics Platform

triple whale ga4 alternatives for ecommerce

Triple Whale redefines e-commerce analytics with its intuitive platform. Offering comprehensive QoQ and YoY reports, it unveils deep insights into customer behavior for strategic decisions. It works with various online platforms, bringing all data into a single dashboard. Its personalized features enable the creation of custom audiences and tailored metric tracking, enhancing engagement and AOV. Moreover, its no-code metric builder simplifies complex analyses. Automated reports keep stakeholders informed, and are delivered directly to Slack or email, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Top Features

  • Marketing Analytics
  • Customizable Dashboard
  • Offer predictive insights
  • Automated reports and alerts
  • Strong Ecommerce Support

With real-time, consolidated insights, Triple Whale stands as a powerful alternative to GA4, empowering businesses to make informed, growth-focused decisions.

ga4 vs triple whale

How to choose the best GA4 Alternative for your E-Commerce brand? 

Here are some factors to consider when selecting an analytics platform for your business. By aligning these factors with your objectives, you can find the perfect fit. Remember, it’s not just about features; it’s about meeting your unique business needs effectively.

Pricing and Users

First, consider your budget. While pricing shouldn’t be the sole factor, it’s important. GA4 is free, but alternatives need to be affordable. Look at the pricing tiers and user limits to ensure they fit your budget without compromising essential features.

Feature Offering

Focus on what you need. Don’t get swayed by fancy features you might not use. Evaluate the core features that align with your business goals. Choose a platform that provides the tools essential for your growth, ensuring you’re not paying for extras you won’t use.


Consider your existing tools. GA4 integrates well with various platforms. Evaluate how crucial your current integrations are. Some alternatives offer integrations too, but check if they cover the tools vital for your business operations.

Data Privacy and Security

Your data’s safety is paramount. Ensure the platform complies with data privacy regulations and offers robust security measures. Trustworthy platforms prioritize data protection, so your business information remains secure.

Customization and Flexibility

Every business is unique. Choose a platform that allows customization and flexibility. It should adapt to your specific needs, whether it’s tailored reports or seamless integration with your existing tools.

Integration with Third-Party Tools

Smooth collaboration is key. Check if the platform integrates seamlessly with your other tools. A cohesive system ensures data flows effortlessly between platforms, enhancing productivity and collaboration.

Scalability and Performance

Think long-term. Your business will grow, and so will your data. Choose a platform that can scale with your business. It should handle increasing data volumes while maintaining reliable performance.

NestAds: Exclusive GA4 Alternative for the Shopify E-Commerce 

After exploring these compelling Google Analytics 4 alternatives and carefully considering the essential factors, you’re now equipped to make an informed choice regarding the analytics platform that perfectly aligns with your business objectives. It’s crucial to recognize that the right analytics platform holds the key to unlocking your data’s potential and driving meaningful growth for your business.

nestads 1.3 ga4 alternatives for ecommerce

Considering the challenges posed by Google Analytics 4 (GA4), such as iOS 17 Link Tracking Protection and the imminent phase-out of third-party cookies, NestAds 1.3 emerges as the ultimate solution. NestAds effortlessly overcomes GA4’s limitations through its server-side tracking, not only bypassing iOS 14 blockages but also ensuring impeccable data accuracy and security. Moreover, NestAds introduces flexible attribution models, empowering businesses to customize their strategies for various customer journeys. With NestAds, companies can seamlessly future-proof their analytics, centralize their data, and gain incredibly precise insights, providing a direct path to progress and success.

Ready to revolutionize your analytics experience? Take action today and switch to NestAds 1.3. Say goodbye to GA4’s limitations and embrace a seamless, comprehensive analytics solution. With NestAds, your business can thrive in the evolving digital landscape, maximizing ROI, understanding customer behavior, and staying ahead of the competition. Don’t wait—transform your analytics journey now with NestAds 1.3, the superior GA4 alternative for your E-Commerce brand! 

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